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Bowen Module I with Abby LaRock

  • Wellness Massage Center & Institute 164 North Main Street Saint Albans City, VT, 05478 United States (map)

This is the first module in a seven module training program. The Bowen technique is a hands on therapy that is applied using gentle pressure. The practitioner performs a unique move on precise points of the body to stimulate the muscles and soft tissue. Bowen classes are sequential so they must be taken in order. It is not necessary to commit to all 7 classes. These modules are offered every year. Feel free to take them at the frequency that works best for you. Class will run from 8 am until 5 pm both days. The cost of the class is $450.

In this course you will learn:

-The Bowenwork Move
-Lower Back Procedure
-Upper Back Procedure
-Neck Procedure
-Kidney Procedure
-Head Procedure
-Working with a Client

A registration fee of $95 is due at class. Please make check payable to American Bowen Academy (annual renewal is $50).

If you have any questions or would like to reserve a spot, please contact:

Abby LaRock (603) 315-3438 

For more information about Bowenwork please visit the source link.
